IICRC S300 Standard for Professional Upholstery Cleaning

IICRC S300 is a procedural standard. It has been written using reliable principles, research, and practical experience, plus consultation with and information obtained from numerous sources. These include allied tradespersons; cleaning chemical and equipment formulators and manufacturers; upholstery and furniture manufacturers; international, national and regional trade associations; organizations serving the professionals cleaning industry, both independent and franchise; cleaning industry training schools; cleaning service companies; and others with specialized experience. IICRC S300 provides a specific set of practical standards for upholstery cleaning. It does not attempt to teach comprehensive upholstery cleaning procedures; rather, it provides the foundational principle for proper cleaning practice.

Additional Information about the S300 - 2000

Professional Upholstery Cleaning consists of the following components for which procedures as described in the BSR/IICRC S300 Standard:

  • Fibers, Construction, and Styles
  • Principles of Professional Upholstery Cleaning
  • Equipment and Tools
  • Pre-Cleaning and Post-Cleaning Inspections (include Administrative Procedures)
  • Methods and Systems of Cleaning
  • Leather Cleaning
  • Spot and Stain Removal
  • Fabric Protectors
  • Residential vs. Commercial Maintenance and Cleaning

S300 Consensus Body Chair: Ed Hobbs                    S300 Vice- Chair: Paul Pearce

Purchase the S300 (2000)