This Standard is currently in development and is not available on the Standards Webstore.
This standard establishes a procedural standard for the professional cleaning and maintenance of leather furnishings. It is intended for use by professional cleaners, upholstery manufacturers, retailers, distributors, industry suppliers, specifiers, homeowners, property or facility managers, housekeepers and insurance companies, and others. Factors that will be considered include, but are not limited to, the leather type, color, style, construction, and use. These dictate the specific cleaning systems and methods to be used. It is based on reliable cleaning principles, review of available scientific and industry literature, and information and practical experience. Stakeholders include professional cleaners, furnishings manufacturers, retailers, distributors, industry suppliers, specifiers, homeowners, property or facility managers, housekeepers, insurance companies, and others.
BSR is the ANSI Board of Standards Review that reviews and approves Standards as American National Standards. All new Standards under development are designated as BSR/IICRC till such time that they receive final approval from ANSI and can be published.
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