BSR/IICRC S410 Standard for Professional Cleaning of the Built Environment for Infection Control

The cleaning industry does not currently have a standard on effective infection prevention and control for cleaners who maintain the built environment. This standard will focus on the principles, methods, and processes to clean and sanitize the built environment. We define the built environment as materials, building assemblies, structures, furniture, fixtures, and equipment located inside a building envelope. Further, this standard will focus on how to establish goals and verify results in reaching a hygienically clean outcome. An ANSI Standard would provide guidance on proper cleaning and remediation procedures with antimicrobial biocides.

S410 Consensus Body Chair: Graham Dick                     S410 Consensus Body Vice-Chair: Mark Drozdov

This Standard is currently in development and is not available on the Standards Webstore.

A note about BSR

BSR is the ANSI Board of Standards Review that reviews and approves Standards as American National Standards. All new Standards under development are designated as BSR/IICRC till such time that they receive final approval from ANSI and can be published.